After searching on craigslist for a week or so, I found an apartment! It’s a small one-bedroom in the Crown Heights neighborhood, near the border of Prospect Heights. The building is a brownstone on a quiet, residential street. The apartment is on the top floor with southern exposures. There are windows in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen; there’s a skylight in the bathroom. Like I said, it’s a small apartment so I will be using the bedroom as an office and getting a pull-out couch for my sleeping needs. (It really makes much more sense since I really need an office.) Since it’s a walk-up, the landlord is letting me keep my bike in her garage. The neighborhood is fantastic: there are coffee shops, bars, restaurants, laundromats, greengrocers, bakeries, supermarkets, and juice bars within walking distance. The Central Brooklyn CSA covers my neighborhood and distribution occurs three blocks away (although registration may already be closed for this year, since they only operate June through November). There is a public library one block away and a gym that’s within biking distance. The subway is a 13-minute walk away and then it’s a 1-hour ride to work.
I’m incredibly excited! However, I’m not looking forward to packing up my stuff into cardboard boxes and moving it all. The process will be made worse by the fact that I’ll be moving during the last weekend of August… which is the weekend immediately after I begin my new job. That’s going to be one incredibly stressful week. In preparation for that craziness, I’m trying to pack and clean up now. (I think everyone should move every few years to unload all of the crap they accumulate.) I’ve already packed up three large garbage bags of clothing, shoes, wearable accessories, CDs, and small electronics to be donated. My bookshelf produced a 30 lb. bag of recyclable paper waste. Most of my books are already packed away in 5 boxes. I’m anticipating at least 6 more boxes for the rest of my books, notebooks, magazines, DVDs, and various other knickknacks. Then there’s all my knitting and sewing stuff. My clothing will take up a bunch of boxes. My kitchen things will also require at least half a dozen boxes…
Ugh. Who knew one girl could accumulate so much stuff?
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