The seasons have changed and so have we


Allie modeling the cardigan she knit

This is the Hey, Teach! cardigan that I started at the end of February.  It was knit in pieces (1 back, 2 fronts, 2 sleeves) and had to be seamed together.  As it turns out, I didn’t hate it the seaming process as much as I thought I would!  I mean, don’t get me wrong… I’d love to not have to do this again if I don’t have to.  However, I realized that it’s not worth stressing out about it.  It just requires patience and a steady hand.  (Two things that I don’t have, really… but two things that I can fake when necessary!)

It was knit as a gift for Alex’s mom’s birthday and I presented her with it yesterday.  She said she loved it… but she didn’t try it on or anything so I don’t know how (or whether) it fits.  I already have a request from Alex’s sister to knit her one “just like it but in white” and another request from Alex’s mom’s friend for “something warm” (maybe a shawl?).  I already have a long list of items that I’d like to make for friends and relatives, so I guess these two will be added to it.

In the meantime, I’m starting something for me:

Slouched Tuva Hat (in progress)

It’s going to be a hat!  I haven’t knit anything for myself… ever.  So before embarking on Alex’s impossibly large (not really but it sure seems like it!) striped long-sleeve cardigan, I’m making myself a quick slouchy beret.  Neither the yarn nor the needles I’m using are true to the designer’s instructions, so I’m worrying about the final measurements of the thing.  I hope it will fit somehow.





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