Author: Allie
Ten years ago, my then-boyfriend Alex and I visited a local animal shelter where I fell in love with a kitten named Dixon. I had been going kitten-crazy and really wanted to adopt a cat. (The previous year, my family’s 16-year-old cat passed away.) So Alex and I took a trip to the Staten Island […]
I guess it’s Christmas time
Philadelphia experienced its first brutally cold temperatures this week (it dropped to 14°F!) and we even had snowfall yesterday! So this weekend was spent indoors, listening to holiday albums of my youth. (Hanson’s “Snowed In,” anyone?) Yesterday, my boyfriend made us biscuits and mushroom gravy (with my homemade seitan & bean sausage) for breakfast and […]
Eat, drink, move, sleep
I was bummed to miss out on a group ride this morning (thanks to a sleepless night) so I took my freshly-tuned-up bike out for a quick spin through some streets on the south shore of Staten Island. Ended up stopping at three parks before powernoia set in and I called it a day. Spring […]