Tag: commute

  • Are we walking dead now?

    Set my alarm for 4:30 AM: That’s being hopeful, as I’ll probably snooze the crap out of the alarm. But this is what happens when you live 20mi from work (1.5hrs by public transit) and like to give yourself time to wake up, shower, make breakfast, and prepare lunch.

  • You could let yourself just slip away

    Something that cheered me up today: USPS left a package inside the building instead of having me go to the post office to pick it up! (It really is the little things that make us happy.) It’s full of bike attire: Columbia Fast Trek Vest GORE BIKE WEAR Phantom So Lady Jacket Pearl iZUMi Bellinger […]

  • Here she comes in a suit and tie

    Since I never know what to wear (and have panic attacks when trying to plan an outfit for the day), figuring out what to wear while on my bike (to ride the 3mi [4.8km] to work) is even harder. So I’m going to try to keep track of my more comfortable outfits based on the […]