Tag: knitting

  • It’s not your fault

    This is the reason I don’t finish my knitting projects as quickly as I should: Dixon comes over and naps in my lap, taking up all my knitting space.  (I started a sweater vest last night that’s 15% finished already!  It’d be farther along if the purr monster kept away from my lap.  It would […]

  • These dreams are forever

    I am looking forward to the weather cooling down so that I can knit garments again.  Since I last blogged about my knitting, I’ve knit two berets, two baby sweaters, two baby bonnets, one men’s cardigan, and one lacy shawl. Aside from the cardigan, everything has been relatively small.  And, coincidentally, the cardigan turned out […]

  • I took a walk one day

    This heat wave that NYC is experiencing is seriously cramping my style.  It is hot all the time!  No matter how early I wake up, the sun is beating down on me and  the air is suffocating me.  Bicycling in this weather is out of the question. The heat is also making knitting difficult.  I’m […]